I arrived a little late but found many sketchcrawlers already in the park. A kid was astounded to see all this art on the hoof. 10 years old with the face of a man. His name is Gabriel.
I found Gary on crutches but his sense of direction was intact. He led us right into some sort of a celebration involving dancing lions with giant heads. And an eardrum assault by a longrope of firecrackers accompanied by a crash and drum band.
There is a drawing of a kid named Gerard playing cymbols and a lion dancing and a lion's head. Chinatown has these magnificent streetlamps. Everybody had to draw at least one. And it seems each block had a draping of paper lanterns.
After lunch I came out into bright sunlight and deep shadows; the jumble and bustle of a chinatown street.
This guy was playing a two stringed instrument called an ERHU. He quite happily played and posed while puffing on a cigarette. After a while he came over to spell the name of his instrument on my drawing.